
What do they really do and how do they have an impact on the lives of their clients?

Here’s a peek into the life of thriving Certified Financial Planner® professionals and Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ professionals employed with some of the largest banks and financial services firms in Canada.

Meet Kelly Pope-Wiley

CFP® Professional, IG Wealth Management
“We need you. We need more women in the profession, more diversity and younger planners too. There is consumer demand for financial planning - the jobs are waiting.”

Watch a day in Kelly’s life    

Meet Daniel Dignard

CFP® Professional, Senior Financial Planner, CIBC Imperial Service
“Gold equals excellence. Gold is high value. Gold doesn't tarnish no matter what changes. That is what I offer my clients. Advice and planning that never loses its value as the world around us changes.”

Watch a day in Daniel’s life    

Meet Kali Cortus

QAFP® Professional, Sun Life
“This is a trust and relationship career. I get to use my natural empathy and personal service skills to help my clients. My QAFP certification education reinforced those skills.”

Watch a day in Kali’s life    

Meet Fred Zhou

CFP® Professional, TD Wealth

“Having the letters “CFP” after my name didn’t just open doors at the bank, it opens doors with clients too. I even get people asking me if I have it. I’m so glad I took this path, it lets me be an entrepreneur - I set my priorities and am pretty autonomous.”

Watch a day in Fred’s life     Read about a day in Fred’s life 


Meet Glen Dilworth

CFP® Professional,* RBC Financial Planning

“Amid any financial talk, I’m finding out what’s important to them, what’s happening in their lives, and what’s worrying them. The personal relationships and knowing that you helped somebody achieve a goal or relieved a burden – that’s what makes it worthwhile.”

*As of January 1, 2023, Glen has earned his CFP certification

Watch a day in Glen's life     Read about a day in Glen’s life 

Meet Kelly Ho

CFP® Professional, DLD Financial
“It’s really about how to make someone’s life better, and to make them feel better about what’s going to happen in the future.”

Read about a day in Kelly’s life 

Meet Jay Mallari

QAFP® Professional, Sun Life Advisor Cambria Financial Solutions, Inc.
“The best part is when I hear a client tell me they’ve saved enough to buy a home. I know I’ve helped them achieve that dream, in a tough market.”

Read about a day in Jay’s life 

Meet Amish Gandhi

CFP® Professional,* RBC Financial Planning
“I try to treat this as my own business. Successful planners have an entrepreneurial focus.”

*As of April 1, 2022, Amish has earned his CFP certification

Read about a day in Amish’s life