
FP Canada is dedicated to leading the advancement of professional financial planning to empower Canadians to achieve their financial goals and secure their futures through professional, ethical, and accessible financial planning services.

Our strategic plan embodies a forward-thinking approach, leveraging innovation, collaboration, and our collective expertise to drive impactful change to professional financial planning.

“At FP Canada, we have an ambitious IMAGINE 2030 vision of financial wellness for all Canadians. Our strategic plan outlines key priorities and strategies to guide our organization’s growth, innovation, and impact over the next five years.”

Tashia Batstone, MBA, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D
President & CEO, FP Canada

FP Canada’s IMAGINE 2030 vision

  • Financial planning is a unified, recognized profession, deemed essential by society 
  • All Canadians have the financial confidence and well-being they need 
  • All Canadians have access to professional financial planning that supports their diverse needs

Explore highlights from our strategic plan


Our value proposition

Learn how we leveraged our strengths in developing our 2025-2030 strategic plan.

Value proposition

Key opportunities

Discover the key trends and opportunities that we see impacting our strategic plan.


Our strategic priorities

Learn more about our three strategic priorities and how we will measure success.

Strategic priorities


With collaboration among all stakeholders across the profession, we are confident that our 2025–2030 strategy will allow us to help more Canadians access the professional financial planning advice they need to achieve financial well-being.

Read the full FP Canada 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.

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