
Candidates applying for QAFP certification must hold, at minimum, a two-year college diploma or demonstrate five years of qualifying work experience.

Candidates applying for CFP certification must hold, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree, or demonstrate 10 years of qualifying financial planning work experience, or have held QAFP certification for at least five years.

Work experience and designation-related exceptions are available. Find more information in the QAFP Certification Policies and the CFP Certification Policies.


Steps to verify your postsecondary education

You must submit proof of your postsecondary education to FP Canada™ to be eligible for QAFP certification or CFP certification.

What is qualifying work experience?

Qualifying work experience includes a range of activities related to financial planning.


Need help?

FP Canada provides information and guidance to QAFP professionals and CFP professionals at all stages of their careers.

Contact us