
In accordance with the  FP Canada Standards Council Policy on the Publication of Disciplinary Information, all decisions issued by a Hearing or Appeal Panel are published on FP Canada’s website.

The disciplinary history of a Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ professional or Certified Financial Planner® professional is also linked to the Planner Directory, a publicly accessible, historically searchable, database maintained by FP Canada.  


Current hearings

NameProceedingDateProceeding documents
Susan ArmitsteadMerits HearingFebruary 27, 2025View Details
Marlene C. BuxtonMerits HearingMarch 13, 2025View Details
Dorothy Irena HagelPenalty HearingApril 17, 2025View Details
Leszek DziadeckiMerits HearingApril 24, 2025View Details
Jean Baptiste MunyankugeMerits HearingMay 26, 2025View Details
Richard JonesPenalty HearingJune 6, 2025View Details
George YamamotoPenalty HearingJune 9, 2025View Details
Kathleen van den BergMerits HearingJune 17, 2025View Details
Heera SinghMerits HearingJuly 7, 2025View Details
Norman ManikkawasaganMerits HearingJuly 29, 2025View Details
Wayne Douglas KautzmanMerits HearingSeptember 9, 2025View Details
Jennifer Nicole SomersMerits HearingSeptember 18, 2025View Details

Enforcement Proceedings Email Notification

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To view the current status of a certificant or candidate, search the Planner Directory.


Interim suspensions and/or disclosure of investigations

Pursuant to the Standards Council  Policy on the Disclosure of Investigations and Interim Suspensions, the Standards Council can obtain interim suspensions and/or seek permission to disclose an active investigation, in exceptional circumstances and as necessary to protect the public. All interim suspensions are noted on a QAFP® professional's or CFP® professional's profile in the Planner Directory.

Completed Hearings

Results: {{ currentPage }} / {{ numPages }}, Records: {{ disciplinaryAppData.length }}

Details of Hearing:




Conduct Type:


Applicable Standards:

Disciplinary Decision:

PDF Document(s):

Cost Type:


This schedule is provided for public information and is subject to change. If you have a question about an upcoming proceeding or hearing date, please contact Shahmeen Mazhar, Standards Council Complaint Intake and Resolution Officer and Tribunals Clerk, at shahmeen.mazhar@fpcanada.ca.

Notice: As a result of changes to the FP Canada Standards Council Disciplinary Rules and Procedures (DRP) and the FP Canada Standards Council Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for Examination Misconduct (DPEM) which took effect on September 1, 2020, FP Canada now:

  • publishes allegations of misconduct for matters referred to a Hearing Panel
  • publishes the full decision and reasons, in addition to a summary and cost payment status, in all matters where a finding of misconduct has been made

All matters referred to a Hearing Panel prior to September 1, 2020, are subject to the procedures in place at the time of referral.

The information provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only. The information is updated periodically. Requests for further information, to update or correct information, please contact standards@fpcanada.ca.


Need help?

FP Canada provides information and guidance to QAFP professionals and CFP professionals at all stages of their careers.

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