
Professional financial planners directly contribute to the well-being of society. FP Canada is committed to helping all Canadians achieve financial wellness through access to professional financial planning that supports their diverse needs.

FP Canada believes that every Canadian should have access to competent and ethical financial planning advice. The certification mark after your name signals that you're a knowledgeable QAFP® professional or CFP® professional who is committed to putting your clients' interests first.


Education, exam, experience and ethics. Four steps to certification.

Certification equips you with the knowledge and experience you need for a successful financial planning career, and sets you apart in the eyes of clients and employers.

Your investment in the education, rigorous testing and real-world experience required to earn certification will give you the skills and confidence to give your clients the advice they need.



Complete the technical and professional education to gain the knowledge and skills you need.

Learn more about the education requirements


Pass a certification exam to demonstrate your knowledge and competence to provide financial planning advice.

Learn more about the exam


Complete work experience to show you can apply your financial planning knowledge to real-life situations.

Learn more about the experience requirements


QAFP professionals and CFP professionals agree to meet with the high standards outlined in the Standards of Professional Responsibility.

Learn about the Standards of Professional Responsibility

Have questions about a career in financial planning or FP Canada certifications?

Have all your questions answered at a free, live and interactive certification Q&A session.

Register now!

Your path to certification

The FP Canada Certification Pathfinder™ is a new approach to help you find your path to becoming a professional financial planner.

Once you’ve created your FP Canada account, your custom dashboard will guide you to certification, recording your progress as you take your next steps.

Get started