
Report your continuing education activities

To renew your annual certification, you must have completed your continuing education (CE) requirements for the previous year and reported them to FP Canada™.

Follow these steps to report your continuing education

  • Confirm you have completed your CE requirements.  
  • You can use the FP Canada online CE Tracker to compile your CE credits as you complete them. 
  • Keep supporting documentation for your CE credits to show your successful completion of each CE activity. 
    • You must have supporting documentation for all your CE credits, but you do not have to submit it at each certification renewal. 
    • Keep all supporting documentation for at least three years in case you are selected for a FP Canada CE audit.

What supporting documentation do I need for my CE activities?

  • If your CE activities are audited by FP Canada, you will need to provide documentation that shows the CE you completed for the year or years under review.
  • If your CE activities were accredited by FP Canada, your proof of successful completion of the activities is all that is needed. Suitable proof may include a certificate of completion issued by the CE provider or other documentation that shows you attended the activity in full and/or successfully completed any assessment activities.
  • For CE in the General CE category, if your CE activities were not accredited by FP Canada, you will need to provide additional supporting documentation that will allow us to evaluate both the CE activity, and your successful completion of your CE requirements.
    • Supporting documentation that will allow FP Canada to verify the educational content of the activity should include a description of the activity, including the duration where applicable, and a summary of the content.
    • Supporting documentation that will allow FP Canada to verify your successful completion of the activity may include:
      • Courses – a certificate of attendance or transcript issued by the CE provider
      • Training or volunteering – written confirmation from the company or organization
      • Authoring financial planning materials – a copy of the article or other material, which must be written in the year it is reported as CE.
      • Teaching financial planning courses – a copy of the course syllabus and/or a teaching contract, including duration of the course.

FP Canada may accept other forms of supporting documentation for CE activities.


CE audits

FP Canada reserves the right to audit any QAFP® professional or CFP® professional at any time and for any reason, including failure to comply with the CE requirements or CE audit requirements.

There are two types of CE audits:

Random CE audit

To maintain the integrity of FP Canada’s certification programs, a percentage of QAFP professionals and CFP professionals are selected randomly each year for a CE audit.

If you are selected for a random audit, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation for the CE credits you completed in the year under review.

If you are missing documentation for a CE activity, it will not be included as a CE credit.

Automatic CE audit

If your certification has lapsed and then been reinstated, you are automatically subject to audit.

If you are found to have falsified your CE declaration on your certification renewal application, you are in breach of the FP Canada Standards Council Code of Ethics, as outlined in the Standards of Professional Responsibility, and you may be subject to disciplinary action under the FP Canada Standards Council Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.


CE exemptions

You may be eligible for continuing education exemptions. There are two types of exemption.

1. Completion of an FP Canada Professional Education Program

To recognize the extent and currency of learning acquired by successfully completing an FP Canada Professional Education Program, QAFP professionals and CFP professionals are exempt from CE requirements in all categories, including the category of Professional Responsibility, in the year they pass the QAFP exam or CFP exam.

Candidates are also eligible for this exemption for two consecutive years after passing their exams. Candidates who do not obtain certification within the two years following the year they pass the QAFP exam or CFP exam are not eligible for these CE exemptions.

Certification PathCE ExemptionsIn Recognition of Successful Completion of:
Direct Path to QAFP Certification2 yearsQAFP Professional Education Programs
Direct Path to CFP Certification
2 years
CFP Professional Education Programs
QAFP Certification to CFP Certification2 yearsQAFP Professional Education Program and QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Program
CFP Professional Education Program
Relevant Professional Qualifications Path to CFP Certification2 yearsCFP Professional Education Program
F.Pl Path to CFP CertificationN/AN/A
Foreign CFP Professional Path to CFP Certification2 yearsCFP Professional Education Program

2. Leaves of absence

Maternity and parental leave

The CE exemption for maternity and parental leave is one calendar year, but upon request, the exemption can be split evenly across two consecutive years.

To request a maternity or parental leave CE exemption, you must indicatethe dates of your leave on your annual CFP Certification Renewal form, and submit a copy of your child(ren)’s birth certificate or adoption papers.

Medical and disability leave

You will be exempt from the annual CE requirement in the calendar year you take an approved medical or disability leave of at least six months. You must indicate the dates of your leave on your annual CFP Certification Renewal form, and submit a current medical report and/or a qualified medical professional’s note.

If a CE exemption is required for more than one year, you must re-apply for the CE exemption annually and provide an up-to-date medical report and/or a qualified medical professional’s note that explains the reason for the extended medical or disability leave. Consecutive CE exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

All other requests for CE exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


CE Tracker

Track your CE activities from FP Canada and other providers.

Access CE Tracker

CE search

Search for accredited CE activities from FP Canada and other providers.

CE search

Certificate download

Download certificates for CE activities completed through FP Canada.

CE certificate download

Changes to CE requirements

FP Canada’s CE requirements have changed. Learn more in the QAFP certification policies and CFP certification policies.

QAFP certification policies (PDF) CFP certification policies (PDF)


Explore new FP Canada Institute CE courses

Meet evolving client needs and accelerate your learning to ensure your skills evolve to meet client needs.

If you are a QAFP professional or CFP professional, you must meet CE requirements every year, which ensures your knowledge and competence stays current.

View CE courses