
Fundamentals programs

The following programs fulfil the Technical Education—Fundamentals requirement on the path to QAFP certification or CFP certification.


FP Canada Institute™

902 – 375 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G 2J5

QAFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills Technical Education – Fundamentals or Core Curriculum requirements for QAFP certification
  • Includes the QAFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills all Technical Education or Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements for CFP certification
  • Includes the CFP Professional Education Program

Note: If you're enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program for the August 2024 cohort and beyond, the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Explore all courses and programs
(416) 593-8587

Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)

Moody’s Analytics Training & Certification Services
200 Wellington St. West, 15th Floor Toronto, M5V 3C7

  • Stream 1: CFP® Certification Route for Bankers
  • Stream 2: CFP® Certification Route for Mutual Fund Representatives (MFD)
  • Stream 3: CFP® Certification Route for Investment Advisors (ID)

Contact: Customer Support
416-364-9130 or Toll free: 1-866-866-2601

Advocis - APPROVAL ENDED MAY 31, 2024
10 Lower Spadina Ave, Suite 600, Toronto, M5V 2Z2


Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum)

Contact: Member Services info@advocis.ca

Toll free: 1-877-773-6765

*Effective May 31, 2024, the Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum) no longer fulfils the Core Curriculum (Technical Education – Fundamentals) requirements on the path to QAFP certification and/or CFP certification. Visit our  Transfer your Education page to learn how you can continue your path to certification without disruption. Option expires September 28, 2024.

Ashton College

1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 3W1

Specific courses within Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® Certification and CFP® Certification will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jane Changj chang@ashtoncollege.ca

Athabasca University

1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP. For more information, please contact the Student Support Centre.

Contact: Student Support Centre business-support@athabascau.ca

Business Career College Corp.

9090 51 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5X4

Business Career College Core Curriculum Program
Contact: Jason Watt jason.watt@businesscareercollege.com
1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

Athabasca University

1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the Student Support Centre.

Contact: Student Support Centre business-support@athabascau.ca

Business Career College Corp. - Edmonton Campus

Business Career College Core Curriculum Program

Contact: Jason Watt


1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

Ashton College

1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, V6E 3W1

Specific courses within Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® Certification and CFP® Certification will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jane Chang jchang@ashtoncollege.ca

BCIT (B.C. Institute of Technology)

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, V5G 3H2


Specific courses within the Full-time Diploma or Part-time Certificate Financial Management, Financial Planning Option programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Chris Gresat chris_gresat@bcit.ca

Douglas College

700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 5B2

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Financial Services, Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Planning and Post Baccalaureate Diploma, Finance programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Morna Fraser, BBA Financial Services and Administration Degree Coordinator fraserm@douglascollege.ca

Trinity Western University

7600 Glover Road, Langley, V2Y 1Y1

Specific courses within the B.B.A. in finance, specialization in financial planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Louis Bielmann, Assistant Professor of Finance louis.bielmann@twu.ca
1-604-888-7511 Ext: 3475

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

299 Doon Valley Dr, Kitchener, N2G 4M4

Specific courses within the Advanced Diploma, Business Administration – Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jennifer Banfield, FP Canada Liaison jbanfield@conestogac.on.ca


George Brown College – Diploma, Business - Finance (B133)

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9 www.georgebrown.ca

Specific courses within the Diploma, Business - Finance will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Carolyn Fallis, Finance & Financial Planning, School of Financial Services cfallis@georgebrown.ca

416-415-5000 Ext: 3716

George Brown College – Diploma, Business Administration (B130/B150)

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9


Specific courses within the Diploma, Business Administration will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Carolyn Fallis, Finance & Financial Planning, School of Financial Services cfallis@georgebrown.ca

416-415-5000 Ext: 3716

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8

Specific courses within the Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact

Contact: Richard Kingston, Program Coordinator richard.kingston@humber.ca

416-675-6622 Ext: 3227

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Michele Calpin, Program Coordinator michele.calpin@humber.ca

416-675-6622 Ext: 5116

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Business Administration - Financial Planning (Advanced Diploma)

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5

Specific courses within the Diploma in Business Administration - Accounting & Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator ryan.laverty@senecapolytechnic.ca


Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Business Administration - Accounting & Finance, Financial Planning Specialization

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5

Specific courses within the Diploma in Business Administration - Accounting & Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator ryan.laverty@senecapolytechnic.ca


Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Financial Planning Graduate Certificate

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5

Specific courses within the Financial Planning Graduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator ryan.laverty@senecapolytechnic.ca


Sheridan College - Faculty of Business

4180 Duke of York Boulevard, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 0G5

Specific courses within the Diploma, Business Administration – Finance will satisfy FP Canada’s Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Kathleen Bégin, Program Coordinator – Finance Diplomas kathleen.begin@sheridancollege.ca

905-845-9430 Ext: 5392

Toronto Metropolitan University - G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education

350 Victoria Street, Toronto, M5B 2K3

Specific courses offered through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education will satisfy FP Canada's Core Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: School of Continuing Education ce@ryerson.ca






Fundamentals and Advanced programs

The following programs fulfill the Technical Education—Fundamentals requirement on the path to QAFP certification or CFP certification. These programs also fulfill the Advanced course requirement on the path to CFP certification.


FP Canada Institute™
902 – 375 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G 2J5

QAFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills Technical Education – Fundamentals or Core Curriculum requirements for QAFP certification
  • Includes the QAFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills all Technical Education or Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements for CFP certification
  • Includes the CFP Professional Education Program
    Note: If you're enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Explore all courses and programs

(416) 593-8587

Algonquin College - School of Business and Hospitality
1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8

Ontario Graduate Certificate, Financial Services – Canadian Context

Specific courses within the Ontario Graduate Certificate, Financial Services – Canadian Context program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum and Professional Education requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ali Pahlavani, Program Coordinator:  pahlava@algonquincollege.com

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8

BCom: https://business.humber.ca/programs/finance.html 
Certificate: https://business.humber.ca/programs/financial-planning.html

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Finance Degree or Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum and Professional Education requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Bachelor of Commerce Finance Michele Calpin, Program Coordinator michele.calpin@humber.ca 416-675-6622 Ext: 5116

Contact: Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate Richard Kingston, Program Coordinator richard.kingston@humber.ca 416-675-6622 Ext: 3227

York University - School of Administrative Studies
4700 Keele Street, North York, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 
BCom: www.yorku.ca - School of Administrative Studies
Certificate:  Academic calendar

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Finance or Professional Certificate in Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum and Professional education requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Sunwoo Lee: sunwool@yorku.ca

FP Canada Institute™
902 – 375 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G 2J5

QAFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills Technical Education – Fundamentals or Core Curriculum requirements for QAFP certification
  • Includes the QAFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills all Technical Education or Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements for CFP certification
  • Includes the CFP Professional Education Program

Explore all courses and programs

(416) 593-8587

Advocis - APPROVAL ENDED MAY 31, 2024
10 Lower Spadina Ave, Suite 600, Toronto, M5V 2Z2

Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum) and Advanced Curriculum Program
Contact: Member Services

Toll free: 1-877-773-6765

*Effective May 31, 2024, the Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum) and Advanced Curriculum Program no longer fulfils the Core and Advanced Curriculum (Technical Education – Fundamentals & Advanced) requirements on the path to CFP certification. Visit our Transfer your Education page to learn how you can continue your path to certification without disruption. Option expires September 28, 2024.

Ashton College
1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 3W1


Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® Certification and CFP® Certification

Contact: Jane Chang jchang@ashtoncollege.ca

Athabasca University
1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the Student Support Centre.

Contact: Student Support Centre business-support@athabascau.ca


Business Career College Corp.
9090 51 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5X4


Business Career College Core and Advanced Curriculum Program
Contact: Jason Watt jason.watt@businesscareercollege.com

1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

Canadian Institute of Financial Planning (CIFP) - APPROVAL EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
390 Brant Street, Suite 501, Burlington, ON, L7R 4J4


CIFP Core Curriculum & Advanced Curriculum Program

Contact: Luka Bago lbago@cifps.ca

Toll free: 1-866-635-5526 Ext: 142

*Effective September 28, 2024, the CIFP Core Curriculum & Advanced Curriculum Program will no longer fulfil the Core Curriculum (Technical Education – Fundamentals) requirements on the path to QAFP certification and/or CFP certification. Visit our  Transfer your Education page to learn how you can continue your path to certification without disruption. Option expires September 28, 2024.

Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)

Moody’s Analytics Training & Certification Services
200 Wellington St. West, 15th Floor Toronto, M5V 3C7


Stream 1: CFP® Certification Route for Bankers
Stream 2: CFP® Certification Route for Mutual Fund Representatives (MFD)
Stream 3: CFP® Certification Route for Investment Advisors (ID)

Contact: Customer Support customer_support@csi.ca

416-364-9130 or Toll free: 1-866-866-2601

Durham College
2000 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, ON, Canada L1H 7K4


CIFP Core Curriculum & Advanced Curriculum Program offered in Financial Services

Contact: The Centre for Professional and Part-Time Learning PPL@durhamcollege.ca


Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
1460 Oxford Street East, PO Box 7005, London, N5Y 5R6

Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate

Business Finance Diploma

1 year Post-Graduate Certificate Program
2 year Diploma Program
Specific courses within the Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate and Business Finance Diploma programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Brad Bishop, Professor, Financial Planning & Coordinator, Finance Programs bbishop@fanshawec.ca

1-519-452-4430 Ext: 2870

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Executive Certificate, Financial Planning Designations
1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within the Executive Certificate, Financial Planning Designations will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Professor ryan.laverty@senecacollege.ca


Athabasca University
1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the Student Support Centre.

Contact: Student Support Centre



Bow Valley College
345-6th Ave. SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 4V1


Business Administration Diploma - Financial Services Major

Contact: Raj Brar



Business Career College Corp. - Edmonton Campus 
9090 51 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5X4


Business Career College Core and Advanced Curriculum Program

Contact: Jason Watt jason.watt@businesscareercollege.com

1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

Mount Royal University  
4825 Mount Royal Gate S.W. Calgary, T3E 6K6


Specific courses within the BBA Financial Service Concentration and Financial Services Minor will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Dr. Reza H. Chowdhury, Chair and Associate Professor, Accounting and Finance rchowdhury@mtroyal.ca


Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

11762-106 Street, Edmonton, T5G 2R1


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Dr. Thomas Varghese, Chair Finance Programs thomasv@nait.ca


Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

1301 16th Avenue NW Calgary, T2M 0L4


Specific courses within the Business Administration Diploma - Financial Services Major program will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Doug Cronk, Academic Chair, Financial Services doug.cronk@sait.ca


University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business

2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, T2N 1N4


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce program, Personal Financial Planning concentration, will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Dr. Anne Kleffner, Professor, Chair Insurance & Risk Management, Faculty - Executive



Ashton College
1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, V6E 3W1


Specific courses within Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® certification and CFP®  certification will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jane Chang jchang@ashtoncollege.ca


BCIT (B.C. Institute of Technology) 
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, V5G 3H2


Specific courses within the Full-time Diploma or Part-time “Financial Management: Financial Planning Option” programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Chris Gresat chris_gresat@bcit.ca


Capilano University 
2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, V7J 3H5


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Morna Fraser, Instructor mornafraser@capilanou.ca

1-604-986-1911 Ext: 2522

Douglas College 
700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 5B2


Specific Courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Financial Services, Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Planning and Post Baccalaureate Diploma, Finance programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Morna Fraser, BBA Financial Services and Administration Degree Coordinator fraserm@douglascollege.ca


Okanagan College 
1000 K.L.O Rd, Kelowna, V1Y 4X8


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance Specialization will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Steven Watson, BSSc, MA, CFP, FMA swatson@okanagan.bc.ca

1-250-762-5445 ext: 4856

Trinity Western University 
7600 Glover Road, Langley, V2Y 1Y1


Specific courses within the B.B.A. in finance, specialization in financial planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Louis Bielmann, Assistant Professor of Finance louis.bielmann@twu.ca

1-604-888-7511 Ext: 3475

Vancouver Island University 
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5S5


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration, Financial Services will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Dr. Charles Schell, Finance Chair charles.schell@viu.ca


Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, K2G 1V8


Specific courses within the Business Administration - Finance, Advanced Diploma will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ali Pahlavani, Program Coordinator  pahlava@algonquincollege.com

1-613-727-4723 Ext: 7316

Algonquin College 
1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, K2G 1V8


Financial Services, Graduate Certificate

Ali Pahlavani, Program Coordinator pahlava@algonquincollege.com

1-613-727-4723 Ext: 7316

Centennial College - Financial Services Program
P.O. Box 631, Station A, Toronto, M1K 5E9


Specific courses within Business Administration, Finance Diploma and Advanced Diploma (optional co-op), and Financial Planning Graduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact

Contact: Tom Barker tbarker@centennialcollege.ca

416-289-5000 Ext: 2030

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning 
299 Doon Valley Dr, Kitchener, N2G 4M4


Specific courses within the Diploma, Business Administration, Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jennifer Banfield, FP Canada Liaison jbanfield@conestogac.on.ca


Durham College

2000 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, ON, Canada L1H 7K4


Specific courses within Ontario College Diploma, Financial Services will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: The Centre for Professional and Part-Time Learning PPL@durhamcollege.ca


Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology

1460 Oxford Street East, PO Box 7005, London, N5Y 5R6

Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate

Business Finance Diploma

1 year Post-Graduate Certificate Program
2 year Diploma Program
Specific courses within the Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate and Business Finance Diploma programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Brad Bishop, Professor, Financial Planning & Coordinator, Finance Programs bbishop@fanshawec.ca

1-519-452-4430 Ext: 2870



Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology

1460 Oxford Street East, PO Box 7005, London, N5Y 5R6

Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate

Business Finance Diploma

1 year Post-Graduate Certificate Program
2 year Diploma Program
Specific courses within the Professional Financial Services Post Graduate Certificate and Business Finance Diploma programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Brad Bishop, Professor, Financial Planning & Coordinator, Finance Programs bbishop@fanshawec.ca

1-519-452-4430 Ext: 2870

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology and King's University College at Western University

1460 Oxford Street East, PO Box 7005, London, N5Y 5R6

266 Epworth Avenue, London Ontario, Canada N6A 2M3

Finance and Wealth Management Collaborative Program

Specific courses within the 4-year collaborative Finance and Wealth Management program offered through King's University College at Western University and Fanshawe College will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. Successful graduates of the program will receive a Bachelor of Arts - Finance (3 year) degree from Western University and a Business - Finance (2 year) diploma from Fanshawe College.
For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Brad Bishop, Professor, Financial Planning & Coordinator, Finance Programs bbishop@fanshawec.ca

1-519-452-4430 Ext: 2870


George Brown College - Bachelor of Applied Business/Bachelor of Commerce

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce, Financial Services – Major in Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Niraj Sinha, School of Financial Services


416-415-5000 Ext: 2547

George Brown College

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9


Specific courses within the Diploma, Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Carolyn Fallis, Finance & Financial Planning, School of Financial Services


416-415-5000 Ext: 3716

George Brown College - Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9


Specific courses within the Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification  and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Carolyn Fallis, Finance & Financial Planning, School of Financial Services


416-415-5000 Ext: 3716

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce Finance Degree will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Michele Calpin, Program Coordinator


416-675-6622 Ext: 5116

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8


Specific courses within the Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Richard Kingston, Program Coordinator


416-675-6622 Ext: 3227

McMaster University DeGroote School of Business

1280 Main St W


Specific courses within the Honours Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification  and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Sumit Bose sbose@mcmaster.ca

(905) 525-9140, x26194

Mohawk College

135 Fennel Avenue West, Hamilton, L9C 1E9


Specific courses within the Diploma, Financial Services will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification  and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Elysia Estee elysia.estee@mohawkcollege.ca

905-575-1212 Ext: 3767

Mohawk College Continuing Education

135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, ON L9C 0E5


Financial Planning Certificate Program

Contact: CE Business and Creative Office cecreative@mohawkcollege.ca


Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology - Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Financial Planning

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within the Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator



Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology - Certificate in Financial Planning

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within Financial Planning, Certificate (part-time) will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: John Wong


416-491-5050 Ext: 26630

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology - Diploma in Business Administration

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within the Diploma in Business Administration - Accounting & Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator



Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Financial Planning Graduate Certificate

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within the Financial Planning Graduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator



Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology - Diploma in Business Administration

1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5


Specific courses within the Diploma in Business Administration - Financial Planning Specialization will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator



Toronto Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Commerce

350 Victoria Street, Toronto, M5B 2K3


Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce, School of Business Management, Ted Rogers School of Business Management will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Laleh Samarbakhsh, Chair, Finance


416-979-5000 Ext: 556745

Toronto Metropolitan University - G. Raymond Change School of Continuing Education

350 Victoria Street, Toronto, M5B 2K3


Specific courses offered through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education will satisfy FP Canada's Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP Certification and CFP Certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: School of Continuing Education



York University - School of Administrative Studies*

4700 Keele Street, North York, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3

BCom: www.yorku.ca

Certificate: www.yorku.ca

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Finance or Professional Certificate in Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Sunwoo Lee


*CFP Certification requires a combination of technical education (core and advanced curriculum) and professional education. York University also offers a course that fulfills the professional education requirement for CFP Certification.





Advanced programs

These programs fulfill the Advanced course requirement on the path to CFP certification.

FP Canada Institute™ 

902 – 375 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G 2J5

QAFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills Technical Education – Fundamentals or Core Curriculum requirements for QAFP certification
  • Includes the QAFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Program

  • Fulfills all Technical Education or Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements for CFP certification
  • Includes the CFP Professional Education Program

Note: If you're enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program, the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Explore all courses and programs
(416) 593-8587

Advocis - APPROVAL ENDED MAY 31, 2024

10 Lower Spadina Ave, Suite 600, Toronto, M5V 2Z2


Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum)Contact: Member Services 
info@advocis.ca Toll free: 1-877-773-6765

*Effective May 31, 2024, the Advocis Fundamentals Program (Core Curriculum) no longer fulfils the Core Curriculum (Technical Education – Fundamentals) requirements on the path to QAFP certification and/or CFP certification. Visit our Transfer your Education page to learn how you can continue your path to certification without disruption. Option expires September 28, 2024.

Ashton College

1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 3W1

Specific courses within Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® Certification and CFP® Certification will satisfy FP Canada’s Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP certification and CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jane Changj chang@ashtoncollege.ca

Business Career College Corp.

9090 51 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5X4

Business Career College Core Curriculum Program
Contact: Jason Watt jason.watt@businesscareercollege.com
1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

George Brown College

290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, ON, M5T 2T9


Courses within the Advanced Curriculum Certificate in Financial Planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contacts.

Tracey Britt, Centre for Business : Business Administration tbritt1@georgebrown.ca

416-415-5000 x3546

Carolyn Fallis, Centre for Business : Financial Plan (Post Grad) cfallis@georgebrown.ca

416-415-5000 x3716

Business Career College Corp. - Edmonton Campus

9090 51 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5X4

Business Career College Core and Advanced Curriculum Program

Contact: Jason Watt jason.watt@businesscareercollege.com
1-780-482-5990 or Toll free: 1-877-934-5577

*click provider name to see eligible course exemptions

Ashton College

1190 Melville Street, Vancouver, V6E 3W1

Specific courses within Financial Services Program Leading to QAFP® Certification and CFP® Certification.

Contact: Jane Chang jchang@ashtoncollege.ca

BCIT (B.C. Institute of Technology)

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, V5G 3H2

Specific courses within the Full-time Diploma or Part-time Certificate Financial Management, Financial Planning Option programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Chris Gresat chris_gresat@bcit.ca

Douglas College

700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 5B2

Specific Courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Financial Services, Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Planning and Post Baccalaureate Diploma, Finance programs will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Morna Fraser, BBA Financial Services and Administration Degree Coordinator fraserm@douglascollege.ca

Trinity Western University

7600 Glover Road, Langley, V2Y 1Y1

Specific courses within the B.B.A. in finance, specialization in financial planning will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Louis Bielmann, Assistant Professor of Finance louis.bielmann@twu.ca
1-604-888-7511 Ext: 3475

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

299 Doon Valley Dr, Kitchener, N2G 4M4

Specific courses within the Graduate Certificate, Financial Planning Services will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Jennifer Banfield, FP Canada Liaison jbanfield@conestogac.on.ca


George Brown College - Advanced Financial Planning Certificate
290 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, M5T 2T9


Courses within the Advanced Financial Planning Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contacts.

Contacts: Tracey Britt, Program Coordinator tbritt1@georgebrown.ca 
416-415-5000 x3546

Carolyn Fallis, Program Coordinator cfallis@georgebrown.ca 
416-415-5000 x3716

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8

Specific courses within the Bachelor of Commerce will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Michele Calpin, Program Coordinator michele.calpin@humber.ca

416-675-6622 Ext: 5116

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, M8V 1K8

Specific courses within the Financial Planning Postgraduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Richard Kingston, Program Coordinator richard.kingston@humber.ca

416-675-6622 Ext: 3227

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology – Financial Planning Graduate Certificate
1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, M2J 2X5

Specific courses within the Financial Planning Graduate Certificate will satisfy FP Canada’s Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to CFP certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: Ryan Laverty, Program Coordinator  ryan.laverty@senecapolytechnic.ca


Toronto Metropolitan University - G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
350 Victoria Street, Toronto, M5B 2K3

Specific courses offered through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education will satisfy FP Canada's Core and Advanced Curriculum requirements leading to QAFP Certification and CFP Certification. For more information, please contact the program contact.

Contact: School of Continuing Education ce@ryerson.ca


Need help?

FP Canada provides information and guidance to QAFP professionals and CFP professionals at all stages of their careers.

Contact us