
You can get your work experience before or after you take the QAFP® certification exam or the CFP® certification exam.

Different work experience timeframes apply for QAFP certification candidates and CFP certification candidates.

Candidates who do not complete their work experience within the required timeframe must successfully re-write the QAFP exam or CFP exam to qualify for QAFP certification or CFP certification.


    Postsecondary education exemption

    Work experience may qualify as an exemption to the diploma and degree requirement.


    Timing matters

    QAFP certification

    • one year of qualifying work experience
    • four years to complete all work experience before you apply
    • apply for QAFP certification within two years of passing the QAFP exam

    CFP certification

    • three years of qualifying work experience
    • eight years to complete all experience before you apply
    • apply for CFP certification within four years of passing the CFP exam

    Find your path to certification

    The FP Canada Certification Pathfinder™ is a new approach to help you find your path to becoming a professional financial planner.

    Once you’ve created your FP Canada™ account, your custom dashboard will guide you to certification, recording your progress as you take your next steps.

    Get started