Commitment to Accessibility
FP Canada is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Ontario’s accessibility laws.
Accessibility policy
Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
FP Canada believes in the value that comes from different perspectives and experiences. We are committed to pursuing diversity, equity and inclusion within the organization and across the broader financial planning profession. We monitor regularly and report annually on our progress in these areas.
Governance: To demonstrate FP Canada’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, in June 2023, FP Canada joined the 50-30 Challenge; an initiative co-created by the Government of Canada, civil society and the private sector that aims to attain gender parity (50%) and significant representation of members of other equity deserving groups (at least 30%) on Canadian Boards and/or in senior management in order to build a more diverse, inclusive, and vibrant economic future for Canadians. Participating organizations agree to voluntarily take action towards achieving meaningful and substantive improvements in supporting diversity and inclusion within their organization.
Organization: FP Canada is committed to fostering a workplace that celebrates diversity, promotes equity, and embraces inclusion. We believe that creating an inclusive and diverse environment is crucial for driving innovation, enhancing productivity, and cultivating a strong and cohesive community.
Financial Planning Profession: IMAGINE 2030 is FP Canada’s vision for a future in which all Canadians have access to professional financial planning that supports their diverse needs. As part of this vision, FP Canada is committed to working with partners across the financial planning profession to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the profession for the benefit of all Canadians.
Commitment to impartiality
FP Canada’s Executive Leadership Team and entire staff are committed to ensuring impartiality and objectivity in all our activities, including certification, education and professional oversight. FP Canada undertakes to act impartially in relation to its students, candidates, certificants and all other stakeholders, and all of FP Canada’s policies and procedures are designed to be fair and consistent. FP Canada identifies and assesses risks that may result in a conflict of interest or pose a threat to impartiality.
FP Canada employees, volunteers and contractors also acknowledge the importance of impartiality and the consideration of any potential conflict of interest in carrying out their activities, including certification and education. Conflicts of interest and objectivity are addressed through a strong governance structure, comprehensive policies and procedures and binding agreements to ensure that all activities are conducted in an independent and impartial manner.
Commitment to quality
FP Canada is committed to quality outcomes and continual improvement as we strive to achieve our Purpose and satisfy business requirements. Dedicated to maintaining quality standards, FP Canada employs a robust Quality Management System, which is a formalized system to document processes, procedures and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives.