
Our three strategic priorities


1. FP Canada supports consumer access to professional financial planning.

Priority OutcomesWhat Success Looks Like

Consumers recognize the benefits of and can access professional financial planning. 

  • Improvement in our IMAGINE 2030 survey scores for financial well-being, confidence, access, and trust.
  • Consumer survey results indicate that at least 20% of Canadians are working with a financial planner.

Policymakers recognize FP Canada as the voice of professional financial planning. 

  • In those jurisdictions where title protection frameworks have been implemented, the framework is aligned with FP Canada’s policy recommendations.
Industry, government, and regulators recognize FP Canada for our commitment to protecting the public interest.
  • Feedback from industry, government contacts, and other key stakeholders indicates that FP Canada is effectively supporting the public interest.

2. FP Canada is the organization of choice for professional financial planning.

Priority OutcomesWhat Success Looks Like

FP Canada is the education provider and certification body of choice for aspiring financial planners.

  • The FP Canada Institute is the market leader for technical education on the path to FP Canada certifications.
  • FP Canada has increased the number of recognized or accredited university and college post-secondary programs.
  • FP Canada has grown the number of candidates that are direct entry from university and college post-secondary programs.

Our population of CFP professionals and QAFP professionals is larger and more diverse.

  • FP Canada has at least 20,000 CFP professionals and 5,000 QAFP professionals.
  • Reduction in the average age of our new student population.
  • Positive movement towards gender parity in new financial planners certified by FP Canada.
  • Increased representation of equity-deserving groups in new financial planners certified by FP Canada.
Financial planners and the financial services industry recognize FP Canada as the home for professional financial planning.
  • Improvement in our Net Promotor Score from CFP professionals, QAFP professionals and industry.
  • Feedback from CFP professionals, QAFP professionals and industry indicates high degree of satisfaction with FP Canada

3. FP Canada operates with excellence.

Priority OutcomesWhat Success Looks Like

FP Canada is diverse, inclusive and the organization of choice for employees and volunteers.

  • Employee engagement scores meet or exceed benchmarks for best-in-class organizations of similar size and scope.
  • Volunteers indicate high degree of satisfaction with volunteer experience. 
  • Increased representation of equity-deserving groups in management positions.

FP Canada optimizes operations through digital-led solutions. 

  • Employees indicate high degree of satisfaction with FP Canada technology solutions.
  • Feedback from stakeholders indicates satisfaction with FP Canada websites.
FP Canada has the financial resources to achieve our strategic outcomes.
  • FP Canada available reserves meet or exceed our reserves policy target with an additional surplus available to fund strategic investments.
  • FP Canada continues to diversify its business operations to ensure long-term financial sustainability

Explore highlights from our strategic plan


Strategic plan overview

Find out more about FP Canada’s five-year strategic plan and our vision behind it.


Our value proposition

Learn how we leveraged our strengths in developing our 2025-2030 strategic plan.

Value proposition

Key opportunities

Discover the key trends and opportunities that we see impacting our strategic plan.



With collaboration among all stakeholders across the profession, we are confident that our 2025–2030 strategy will allow us to help more Canadians access the professional financial planning advice they need to achieve financial well-being.

Read the full FP Canada 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.

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