
Continuing education (CE) requirements at FP Canada™ go beyond maintaining technical competence. They are designed to support the maintenance and ongoing professional development required to continue meeting client needs.

CFP® professionals must complete 25 hours of CE annually and QAFP® professionals must complete 12 hours of CE annually.

You can pick CE activities recognized by FP Canada or other activities that are not approved.

The benefits of choosing activities recognized by FP Canada are that you know they meet the requirements. This is especially important in the category of Professional Responsibility where the focus is on the application of FP Canada Standards Council™ Standards of Professional Responsibility. Plus, you won’t need to assess or calculate CE credits for CE activities.


Continuing education requirements fall under the following five categories:


Qualifying CE must be related to one or more aspects of the FP Canada Standards Council™ Competency Profiles, the foundation of certification requirements leading to CFP certification. CE in this category may relate to one or more of the financial planning areas, professional skills and technical knowledge.

The Professional Responsibility requirement is designed to support and enhance your understanding of your professional and ethical duties and to provide approaches for identifying and addressing common ethical dilemmas and challenges. Qualifying CE requires practical application of the principles and rules in the FP Canada Standards Council Standards of Professional Responsibility to ethical dilemmas that financial planners commonly encounter. CE should include the use of scenarios and/or practical examples to illustrate the situations. CE activities that focus on direct knowledge or rote recall of the Standards of Professional Responsibility without demonstrated understanding and application will not qualify.

Examples of Qualifying CE

In-person workshop where participants consider ethical dilemmas that financial planners may encounter and how the Standards of Professional Responsibility may apply.

Online, self-directed course where learners are asked to consider ethical dilemmas that financial planners may encounter and are asked to contemplate, through interactive online activities or assessment, how the Standards of Professional Responsibility may apply.

Examples of Non-Qualifying CE

In-person workshop that provides an update on the regulatory environment and outlines mutual fund and securities regulation for advisors but does not apply the Standards of Professional Responsibility to examples or scenarios of ethical dilemmas.

Online, self-directed course that presents the Standards of Professional Responsibility but does not include a discussion regarding the application of the principles or rules to ethical dilemmas that financial planners may encounter.

Qualifying CE includes the knowledge and skills used in building professional relationships and growing a professional practice. CE in this category may include activities focused on business planning, business development, networking or sales skills.

Qualifying CE includes the product knowledge that planners may use to advise on and sell products or comment on products held by their clients. CE in this category may be focused on any financial planning product, including investment, insurance or debt. Ideally, CE should present a balanced view of the product that includes features and benefits as well as client suitability, risks and costs. The content of CE should help you make product recommendations based on the fit of the product with your client’s situation rather than on the product’s returns.

Qualifying CE includes volunteering with: FP Canada, community organizations, industry associations, and charitable groups, in a way that helps Canadians understand the importance of financial planning and/or enhances their financial well-being. CE in this category may include involvement in pro bono teaching or development of education programs, community involvement, development of published financial planning research, or involvement in financial planning-related committees, task forces, or focus groups.
 CFP ProfessionalsQAFP Professionals
Verifiable Credits Required - (January 1 - December 31) 2512
BREAKDOWN BY CATEGORYMinimum Annual CreditsMaximum Annual CreditsCarry-Over Permitted to Next Calendar YearMinimum Annual CreditsMaximum Annual CreditsCarry-Over Permitted to Next Calendar Year
Financial Planning10 Unlimited25 7Unlimited12
Professional Responsibility2 UnlimitedNo*1UnlimitedNo*
Practice ManagementNo minimum 5NoNo minimumMaximum 5 total from Practice Management, Product Knowledge, and Giving Back No
Product KnowledgeNo minimum5NoNo minimumMaximum 5 total from Practice Management, Product Knowledge, and Giving Back No
Giving BackNo minimum 5NoNo minimumMaximum 5 total from Practice Management, Product Knowledge, and Giving Back No

* If more than 1 credit in Professional Responsibility is completed in a given year, the additional credit(s) may be applied under the Financial Planning category.


Non-approved continuing education activities

CE activities that are not recognized may also meet FP Canada’s requirements, but you will need to independently assess these activities for fit within the five CE Credit Categories and calculate the number of CE credits.


Guidelines for calculating continuing education credits

  • CE credits are accumulated on a calendar year basis (January 1 to December 31)
  • In order to qualify, the content of the activity must be related to the categories of Financial Planning, Professional Responsibility, Practice Management, Product Knowledge or Giving Back
  • One hour of qualifying activity is equivalent to one CE credit
  • A full day of instruction may qualify for a maximum of eight CE credits. Time spent for meal and coffee breaks must be subtracted from the total hours claimed for CE credits
  • Excess CE credits in the category of Professional Responsibility may qualify under the category of Financial Planning
  • Excess CE credits may not be carried over for more than one calendar year

Guidance for calculating credits for common continuing education activities

These can be claimed for CE credits (one hour = one CE credit). When calculating the number of hours for CE credits, meals and breaks should not be included. The maximum amount allocated for one full day of education is eight CE credits.

In-house training can be claimed for CE credits (one hour = one CE credit). When calculating CE credits, time spent for meals and breaks should not be included. The maximum amount allocated for one full day of training is eight CE credits.

Self-study courses usually have a recommended number of study hours. The full number of study hours may be claimed as CE (if they meet FP Canada’s CE requirements) upon successful completion of the course, up to a maximum of 50 credits.

University or college credit courses for one full semester may qualify for CE credits, if the curriculum meets FP Canada’s CE requirements. A maximum of 50 CE credits may be claimed for each full semester course.

Courses that are completed to prepare for a relevant professional license or designation may qualify for CE upon completion, up to a maximum of 50 credits.

Writing articles, technical newsletters, books and course materials qualify for CE credits provided such activities meet FP Canada’s CE requirements and have a target audience of: professionals engaged in financial planning; or post-secondary students preparing for a career in financial planning. A maximum of 15 CE credits may be claimed for the time spent researching and writing. Re-releases of existing documents with revision are eligible for a maximum of 10 CE credits.

Please note that content written for marketing purposes will not qualify for CE credits.

Teaching or acting as an instructor, discussion leader, speaker to financial planning professionals, or post-secondary students qualify for a maximum of 15 CE credits. Two credits per hour of actual teaching/presenting time can be claimed for the first time the class or session is conducted, up to a maximum of 15 credits. For second and subsequent offerings of the same course or session, only in-class time or session time can be counted, up to a maximum of 10 credits per year.

Please note: Teaching or presenting seminars/courses designed for marketing purposes will not qualify for CE credits.

CE credits may be awarded for volunteering with FP Canada, community organizations, industry associations, charitable groups or others in a way that assists Canadians in understanding the importance of financial planning or enhances their financial well-being. In addition, CE credits may be awarded in instances where a CFP professional or QAFP professional is using their financial planning skills in a volunteer capacity to support an organization. Hours of volunteer service may qualify for a maximum of five credits per year under the ‘Giving Back’ category.

Other activities may qualify for CE credits. To determine whether an activity qualifies as CE, please send your inquiries to info@fpcanada.ca.

Supporting documentation for continuing education credits

QAFP professionals and CFP professionals subject to audit must demonstrate compliance by providing supporting documentation to confirm the completion of their CE requirements. It is recommended that you keep all supporting documentation for at least three years.

Supporting documentation for CE could include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • A certificate of attendance issued by the granting institution. The certificate must include the participant's name, date and duration of the activity, and a signature and/or stamp of the education provider;
  • A transcript from the education provider. The transcript must include the participant's name, date of enrolment and/or date of completion, and the name of the course;
  • Written confirmation from the Training or HR Department offering in-house training. The letter must include the participant's name, date and duration of the activity, signature of the department head or representative, and the signatory's contact information;
  • Written confirmation from the volunteer organization. The letter must include the participant’s name, date of the volunteer service and a description of the nature and duration of the volunteer activity;
  • A contract for teaching engagement. The contract must include the instructor’s name, the year/semester of the course and a description of the nature and duration of the courses; or
  • A contract for writing assignment. The contract must include the writer’s name, a copy of the article, and the year written (must be written in the year reported).

Supporting documentation for educational content of CE activities that have not been approved through FP Canada's CE Approval Program must also be supported by documentation to verify the educational content of the activities completed. Supporting documentation could include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Course descriptions;
  • Content agendas indicating the duration of the program and summary of the content;
  • PowerPoint presentations;
  • Course syllabi;
  • Table of contents; or
  • Articles.

Other forms of supporting documentation may be accepted at FP Canada's discretion.

Please note: Missing documentation will result in the CE activity being denied in the case of an FP Canada audit.


Continuing education requirements are changing beginning January 1, 2025. Review the QAFP certification policies or CFP certification policies to learn more.