
You must keep track of all your continuing education (CE) activities and confirm on your annual renewal application that you have completed your CE requirements for the calendar year specified.

Use the FP Canada™ online CE Tracker to compile your completed CE credits.

Supporting documentation for CE Credits

You must have supporting documentation for all your CE credits, but you do not have to submit it at each certification renewal.

FP Canada recommends that you keep all supporting documentation for at least three years in case you are selected for a random FP Canada audit.

If you are selected for audit, you must use the CE Tracker tool to submit the supporting documentation for your CE credits.

Supporting documentation for all CE activities

Supporting documentation includes:

  • a certificate of attendance or transcript issued by the educator provider for courses
  • written confirmation for training or volunteering from the company or organization
  • a contract for teaching or writing assignments, with a copy of the article, and the year it was written. Articles must be written in the year you report them as CE

All supporting documentation must provide:

  • a description of the activity
  • your name, and the title, dates and duration of the activity

For CE activities that have not been FP Canada-approved, you must provide additional supporting documentation to verify the educational content, including:

  • course descriptions
  • content agendas indicating the duration of the program and summary of the content 
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • course syllabi
  • table of contents
  • articles

FP Canada may accept other forms of supporting documentation for CE activities.

Missing documentation will result in the CE activity being denied in the case of an FP Canada audit.

CE audits

To maintain the integrity of FP Canada’s certification programs, a percentage of QAFP® professionals and CFP® professionals are selected randomly for CE audit each year.

If you are selected for audit, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation for the CE credits you took in the previous calendar year. If your certification has lapsed and then been reinstated, you are automatically subject to audit.

If you are found to have falsified your CE declaration on your certification renewal application, you are in breach of the FP Canada Standards Council Code of Ethics, as outlined in the Standards of Professional Responsibility and you may be subject to disciplinary action under the FP Canada Standards Council Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.

FP Canada reserves the right to audit any QAFP professional or CFP professional at any time and for any reason, including failure to comply with the CE requirements or CE audit requirements.


Continuing education requirements are changing beginning January 1, 2025. Review the QAFP certification policies or CFP certification policies to learn more.