
Personal information

Add or update your account details and settings.


About your personal information

Some of the information in your account profile will become public when you are certified.

Profile photo
Upload or change your profile photo

Your profile photo should be in .png or .jpg format, and no larger than 2mb in size.


Preferred name
This information will appear on your public profile when you are certified.

Do you use your middle name, or a shortened version of your first name?

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Legal name
This information will appear on your public profile when you are certified.

Your legal name is the name on your birth certificate or passport.

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Please Enter a Value
Gender *
This information is used for FP Canada’s “Profile of the Profession” and for internal reporting.
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Please Enter a Value
Date of birth*
Used to verify identify.
Please Enter a Value
Do you identify as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

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Do you identify as a person with a visible or invisible disability?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

Please Enter a Value
Do you identify as a member of a racialized group?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

Please Enter a Value
How do you identify your race/ethnicity?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

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Please Enter a Value
Do you identify as Indigenous?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

Please Enter a Value
If yes, how do you self-identify?*

We collect this data to understand the diversity of our students and professional financial planners.

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Please Enter a Value
Do you hold any of these credentials? Check all that apply.
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Are you a member of any of these associations? Check all that apply.
Please Enter a Value
Annual earnings*
What are your average annual earnings?

This information is used to understand the demographics of financial planners certified by FP Canada and is always used in aggregate.

Please Enter a Value
Years of experience*
How long have you been working in the financial services industry?

This information is used to understand the demographics of financial planners certified by FP Canada and is always used in aggregate.

Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Positive Value
Is financial planning your first career?*
If no, select the previous industry you worked in.

This information is used to understand the demographics of financial planners certified by FP Canada and is always used in aggregate.

Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Value

Contact information

FP Canada will use your contact information to communicate with you.


About your contact information

Some of the information in your account profile will become public when you are certified.

Email address
What is the best email address to reach you?

The email used for your account login is not editable. To change the email address used for your account login username, contact our Certificant and Student Services team.

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Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Email
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Email
Phone number
What's the best phone number to reach you?

Your business phone number will appear on your public profile.

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Please Enter a Valid Phone
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Phone
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Phone
Address preferences
Choose your preferred billing and mailing addresses.
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Value
Home address
Your home address will not appear on your public profile.
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Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Postal Code
Business address
Your business address will appear on your public profile once you become certified.

FP Canada will use your preferred contact information to communicate with you. You have a professional obligation to ensure your contact information is accurate and up to date. You can update your information and Find a Financial Planner tool display settings through your FP Canada Portal or by emailing info@fpcanada.ca to notify us of any changes.

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Please Enter a Value
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Please Enter a Value
Please Enter a Valid Postal Code

Business information

Add or update your business details.

Awaiting Completion

About your business information

This information will appear on your public profile when you are certified. By entering and saving it, you consent to it being used this way.

Business Information
If your sponsoring investment/mutual fund dealer or insurance agency is not listed, contact our Certificant & Student Services team at info@fpcanada.ca to have it added to your contact information.

Complete and sign this Release Consent form to provide or update your consent for FP Canada™ to release to your firm, sponsor or employer, your certification status and/or registration status, progress, and results for any FP Canada Education Program or Examination.

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Employment questions
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