
The purpose of the Board Development Committee is to foster Board effectiveness by:

  • facilitating the effective functioning of the Board and enhancing the quality of Board governance, communications, engagement and collaboration, while fostering an effective Board/CEO relationship
  • leading board succession planning
  • establishing and assessing Director qualifications
  • identifying and recruiting qualified Board, Officer, Committee and Panel candidates
  • measuring Board performance
  • overseeing the orientation and continuing education of Directors
  • developing, reviewing and revising (as necessary) Board Policies and By-laws

Winston Maharaj

Committee/Panel Position(s)

Member, Board Development Committee
Member, Human Resources & Compensation Committee


Winnipeg, MB

A retired executive, Winston was President & Chief Executive Officer at the Worker Compensation Board of Manitoba for nine years, where he provided leadership and strategic direction to an independent tri-partite board.

Prior to the Worker Compensation Board, Winston was CEO of Manitoba’s Healthcare Employee Pension and Benefits Plan (HEB Manitoba). Winston has also worked in the public sector, as Assistant Deputy Minister and Executive Director at Manitoba Health, Treasury Board Analyst at Manitoba Treasury Board Secretariat and Pension Analyst at the Manitoba Pension Commission.

Winston was elected to FP Canada Board in June 2021. He was previously a member and Chair of the Nominating Committee for the Actuarial Standards Oversight Council. Winston holds an MPA and B.Comm. (Hons) from the University of Manitoba and the ICD.D designation.
