
The Standards Panel is responsible for, and has delegated responsibility from the Board over:

  • The Standards of Professional Responsibility, including associated guidance
  • The FP Canada Standards Council™ Competency Profiles
  • The FP Canada Standards Council Projection Assumption Guidelines Committee which is responsible for maintaining and updating the Projection Assumption Guidelines

David Truong, CFP, F. Pl.

Commitee/Panel Position(s)

Member, Standards Panel


National Bank Private Banking 1859
Montréal, QC

David Truong works as a chief advisor, Expertise Centre, at National Bank Private Banking 1859.

David is a Certified International Wealth Manager, a Certified Financial Planner and Tax Specialist. His expertise is often sought by the media, and he is often called upon to comment on provincial and federal budgets. David is also a lecturer at HEC Montréal in financial planning, and writes several articles for the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF), the Association planification fiscale et financière (APFF) and Adivsor.ca. He is also a member of the APFF's Relève committee.
