
The QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Professional Education Program builds on the skills you learned in the QAFP Professional Education Program. It requires you to apply knowledge from the FP Canada Institute Technical Education—Advanced course to the practice of financial planning, aligned with the knowledge requirements established for CFP professionals in the FP Canada Body of Knowledge.


Program overview

Advance toward CFP certification with a customized professional education program that helps you develop a deeper understanding of the integrated, holistic nature of financial planning practice.

In this program, you will:

  • learn to support clients to achieve their goals through holistic financial planning that covers the knowledge requirements expected of a CFP professional
  • strengthen behavioural and relationship skills
  • learn to apply your technical knowledge and professional skills to more complex real-world client scenarios
  • understand the many factors that drive client decisions
  • develop strong communication and engagement skills
  • receive coaching and feedback from practicing CFP professionals

Registration and timelines

To be eligible to start this program you must:

  • hold QAFP certification in good standing
  • have completed the QAFP Professional Education Program
  • have completed the FP Canada Institute Technical Education—Advanced course, or an Advanced course recognized by FP Canada

You can register at any time and need to start the program within one month of registration.  

The QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Professional Education Program takes an estimated 35–55 hours to complete. You have six months from the start date to complete the program. A three-month extension can be purchased if more time is required.

For all policies relating to the program, refer to the FP Canada Institute Student Handbook.


Program format

The QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Professional Education Program has seven units, each with a financial planning, human behaviour, and professional responsibility section. It is delivered online through the FP Canada Institute™ Learning Platform.

  • you will receive feedback on your assignments from experienced CFP professionals
  • the program is self-paced, and you should plan your schedule to allow for feedback on assignments
  • student support is available through discussion forums and live, virtual, weekly office hours with a CFP professional

A recommended schedule (see below) is provided to help you pace your progress:

UnitEvaluation ItemSuggested time to submit evaluation (by end of)
1: Value PropositionQuizMonth 1
2: Terms of EngagementQuizMonth 1
3: DiscoveryCase study assignmentMonth 2
4: AnalysisCase study assignmentMonth 3
5: Recommendations and financial planCase study assignmentMonth 4
6: Implement recommendationsQuizMonth 5
7: Monitor and review
QuizMonth 5
Final AssessmentFinal AssessmentMonth 6

Technology requirements

To complete all elements of the program, the following technology is required:

  • a computer with a sound card and speakers or headphones
  • a high-speed internet connection
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel (macros enabled)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

You can access online learning using a tablet or mobile device. However, you will need to use a computer to complete each of the program assignments and the final assessment.

Mac Users: To ensure the assignments and final assessment display and function correctly, set Acrobat Reader as the default application for opening PDF documents.


Find your path to certification

The FP Canada Certification Pathfinder™ is a new approach to help you find your path to becoming a professional financial planner.

Once you’ve created your FP Canada account, your custom dashboard will guide you to certification, recording your progress as you take your next steps.

Get started