Education Requirements

FP Canada’s education requirements are specifically tailored to each certification. Explore below to learn more about your education requirements on the path to QAFP® certification and CFP® certification.

Technical Education

Candidates pursuing QAFP certification are required to complete Technical Education – Fundamentals program offered by the FP Canada Institute (six courses and the final program assessment), or complete the Core Curriculum program offered by an FP Canada-Approved education provider. Technical Education – Fundamentals or the FP Canada-Approved Core Curriculum program align to the FP Canada Standards Council™ Competency Profile and the knowledge requirements of a QAFP professional detailed in the Financial Planning Body of Knowledge. 

Candidates pursuing CFP certification are required to complete Technical Education – Fundamentals and Advanced courses offered by the FP Canada Institute (seven courses and two final assessments) or complete the Core Curriculum and Advanced Curriculum program offered by FP Canada-Approved education providers. Technical Education – Advanced or an FP Canada-Approved Advanced Curriculum program aligns to the FP Canada Standards Council Competency Profile and the knowledge requirements of a CFP professional detailed in the Financial Planning Body of Knowledge.

Professional Education

In addition to the technical competence that is key to success, financial planners must develop essential professional skills and gain a strong grasp of their ethical obligations.

Through the FP Canada Institute™ Professional Education Programs, students will apply their technical knowledge in practice, learn how to communicate important messages effectively and understand the key psychological and behavioural factors that motivate clients.


View a complete list of professional education and course equivalency fees.

NEW: End-to-End Certification Education from FP Canada Institute

Choose a single provider for your CFP certification or QAFP certification. The FP Canada Institute now offers both technical and professional education so you have a clear route to certification.

Programs & Courses

For more information on Institute courses and programs, refer to the FP Canada Institute Student Handbook.


Attention Advocis and CIFP Students. You may be eligible to seamlessly transfer and complete your education towards CFP certification and QAFP certification through the FP Canada Institute. Learn more



FP Canada-Approved Core Curriculum and Advanced Curriculum Programs

FP Canada-Approved Core Curriculum Programs are offered by several institutions throughout Canada, both in person and online. Students should confirm with their education provider the full set of courses that satisfy the requirements for Core Curriculum.

View a list of FP Canada-Approved Core Curriculum Programs.


FP Canada-Approved Advanced Curriculum Programs are offered by several institutions throughout Canada, both in person and online. Students should confirm with their education provider the courses offered comprise the Advanced Curriculum program.

View a list of FP Canada-Approved Advanced Curriculum Programs.


Certain education providers offer programs comprising courses which satisfy both the requirements for Core and Advanced Curriculum. These Programs are offered by several institutions throughout Canada, both in person and online. Students should confirm with their education provider the full set of courses that satisfy the requirements for Core Curriculum and Advanced Curriculum.

View a list of FP Canada-Approved Core and Advanced Curriculum Programs.


Candidates who hold certain designations and licenses in good standing may apply for education exemptions from components of FP Canada’s Core Curriculum and Advanced Curriculum requirements.

Learn more


FP Canada Institute Professional Education Programs

A two-hour self-study course, Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) equips students with the requisite foundational knowledge of the ethical obligations owed by all professionals, and the specific application of these obligations to financial planning practice. IPE teaches students the distinction between integrity-based professional obligations and compliance-based obligations, with emphasis on the financial services landscape. The course introduces the specific professional obligations of QAFP professionals and CFP professionals, why they matter and what they mean in practical terms.

Note: If you're interested in enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program for the August 2024 cohort and beyond, note that the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Learn more about the Introduction to Professional Ethics course

The Introduction to Professional Ethics Course is eligible for the following continuing education (CE) credits:

Business Conduct, Ethics – 2 CE credits Compliance/Professional Development – 2 CE credits

Register Online Now


The CFP Professional Education Program is a unique program that prepares you to handle even the most complex client scenarios by helping you understand key behavioral factors that affect client decisions. Interactive exercises and real-life scenarios ensure you are client-ready and give you a marketplace advantage. Complete the program and earn the FP Canada Advanced Certificate in 3H Financial Planning™, recognizing expertise in planning that is Holistic, Human, and Honest.

Note: If you're interested in enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program for the August 2024 cohort and beyond, note that the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Learn more about the CFP Professional Education Program

The CFP Professional Education Program is eligible for the following continuing education (CE) credits:

Business Conduct, Ethics – 8 CE credits Compliance – 10 CE credits
Professional Development – 20 CE credits Professional Development – 20 CE credits

Register Online Now


The QAFP Professional Education Program is a unique program that ensures you are client-ready by helping you understand key behavioural factors that affect client decisions. It offers interactive exercises, real-life scenarios, and tests your knowledge through a live discovery process, giving you a marketplace advantage. Complete the program and earn the FP Canada Certificate in 3H Financial Planning, recognizing expertise in planning that is Holistic, Human, and Honest.

Learn more about the QAFP Professional Education Program

The QAFP Professional Education Program is eligible for the following continuing education (CE) credits:

Business Conduct, Ethics – 8 CE credits Compliance – 10 CE credits
Professional Development – 17 CE credits Professional Development – 20 CE credits

Register Online Now


Offered by the FP Canada Institute, the QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program is designed for QAFP professionals who are interested in pursuing CFP certification and have completed the QAFP Professional Education Program. This program focuses on the application of both the Core and Advanced Curriculum and both fundamental and advanced principles of human behaviour in client engagements that are both more and less complex.

The QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program uses real-world case scenarios for students to develop a deep understanding of, and competence in the integrated, holistic nature of financial planning practice.

Learn more about the QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program

Register Online Now


 Eligibility Requirements for FP Canada Institute Education

FP Canada Institute™ Education
Eligibility Requirements
Technical Education – Fundamentals
  • None
Technical Education – Advanced
  • Technical Education – Fundamentals or an FP Canada-Approved Core Curriculum program
Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE)
  • None
CFP Professional Education Program
QAFP Professional Education Program
QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program (Bridge Program)
  • hold QAFP certification (in good standing) and have completed the QAFP Professional Education Program; and

  • Technical Education – Advanced or FP Canada-Approved Advanced Curriculum program1

1Enrolment in an FP Canada Institute Professional Education Program or Bridge Program must be within four years of completing all eligibility requirements. QAFP professionals in good standing are not subject to this currency requirement.


Technology Requirements for FP Canada Institute Education


Browser Version(s)

Microsoft® Edge


Mozilla ® Firefox ®

Latest, ESR

Google® Chrome™


Apple® Safari®


For an optimal experience we recommend using supported browsers. Ensure your browser has JavaScript and Cookies enabled.

Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer® is not a supported browser.

Tablet and Mobile Access*

Operating System
Supported Browser Version(s)


Android 5.0 +





Safari, Chrome

The current and previous major version of iOS Chrome: Latest version for the iOS browser.


Windows 10

Edge, Chrome, Firefox

Latest version of all browsers, and Firefox ESR.



Post-Secondary Education Requirements

Candidates applying for QAFP certification must hold, at minimum, a two-year college diploma or demonstrate five years of qualifying work experience or demonstrate five years of qualifying work experience. Candidates applying for CFP certification must hold, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree or demonstrate 10 years of qualifying financial planning work experience. Work experience and designation related exceptions are available and more information can be found in our Post-Secondary Education Requirements FAQs, the QAFP Certification Policies and the CFP Certification Policies.